Would you recommend orthofill bands for the gaps in my teeth?

Would you recommend orthofill bands on diastema ? If not what type of braces would be best ? I have general spacing between the front six upper teeth. (all the gaps are around three mm’s apart) .My teeth is also pretty straight on the top and the bottom .Would I need to have braces on my lower ones,if though they do not need it( as I have herd that if you cause movement on your top,you will need to adjust the bottom too).
Thank you !
In a lot of cases with space closure, both the upper and lower teeth need to be treated. But this can depend on the reason behind why the gaps are there. Sometimes the teeth can be too small for the size of the jaws and face – this is called a tooth size discrepany. In these cases quite often orthodontics is not the only answer and veneers or bonding may be required to get the very best result.

The best thing for you to do before proceeding with any treatment is to go and have a consultation with an experienced cosmetic dentist who can also advise you on orthodontic options

I hope that helps answer your questions


Dr Mark Hughes Harley Street Dental Studio 52 Harley Street, London W1G 9PY Web: www.harleystreetdentalstudio.com Tel: 020 7636 5981 View My Profile Dr Hughes

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