Would veneers be a good option for weak front teeth with enamel erosion?

I went to visit my dentist for a check up, everything seems fine except my front teeth are weak the enamel is wearing since I have drunk a lot of orange juice then brushed my teeth so my dentist has told me to be careful, One of my front teeth is starting to worry me as its becoming see through at bottom and sides. I wanted to ask whether veneers would help me on my top teeth?
Dear Enquirer,
Dental erosion loss of tooth structure due to acid attack and effects most commonly children between the ages of ages 5–17. People are generally unaware of the damaging effects of acid erosion; this is particularly the case with erosion due to fruit juices, because they tend to be seen as healthy. Orange juice,which contains citric acid,is a big culprit. The effects of the erosion are found initially in the enamel and, if unchecked, can progress to the inner layer of the tooth, called the dentine.
From what you’re telling me, it looks as if your erosion is considerable. A dental veneer is a porcelain restoration placed on the whole surface of your tooth and it bonds directly to your tooth structure, strengthening and supporting it so it may be a good option for you.
I hope this helps,
Dr Sunita Verma Sparkle Dental Boutique 311 Boston Road, Hanwell, London, W7 2AT Web: www.sparkledentalboutique.co.uk Tel: 020 8567 4344 View My Profile Dr Verma

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