Will root canal treatment make my teeth break even more?

Q. Hi there, I have two very broken front teeth (on the bottom) which have looked awful every time I smile for years. Now they are starting to go grey so they look awful! They don’t hurt most of the time, one hurts when it gets cold but not all the time. The dentist has said I need root canal even though there is no evidence of infection etc and xray is clear. This tooth keeps breaking more every week. I am not bothered about undergoing pain but I want to get BOTH teeth looking nice and not half the size of every other front tooth. What would you suggest? Surely root canal will make them break even more?

A. Without an examination I cannot give a specific recoomendation. In general the dark tooth suggest that  root canal is appropriate. as long as the height is balanced with the upper teeth biting down , you can rebuild the teeth after root treatment.Rob

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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