Will my composite filling wear off and will it make my teeth weaker?

Q. Hello  Recently i had recieved 2 fillings in my two front teeth, not because of cavities, but because i had calcium deposits removed. My dentist replaced them with the composite bonding. Afterwards, I felt really naive because i didnt bother to question my dentist on how the procedure took place. I didnt know that he was going to actually drill away at my enamel in order to remove the stains. If i would have known that, i WOULDNT have had my calcium stains removed because they werent entirely noticeable; and plus composite doesnt compare to real enamel, right? I would really like to be enlightened on composite bonding. After my procedure, i visit some websites and did some research; and all of the statistics on composite bonding has astonished me in a negative way. My resources tell me that composite bonding doest last long, it stains over time and deteriorates.I am EXTREMLY concerned because those statistics have made me feel like i made the biggest mistake of my life. Im afraid to eat certain things because i feel my teeth or going to chip or stain. I am a smoker and im unsure if smoking will have a negative affect on my teeth. Im only 20 years old and i have a long life ahead of me. I am somewhat afraid that i will have to run back and forth to the dentist as i get older, worst of all; i will be a candidate for partials by the time im 35. I would be so greatful if you could give me your input on composite bonding. Everyone is telling me not to worry and to just eat regularly and do everything as i would normally do. But I have so many questions, it is hard for me to remain at ease. Here are a few questions….. -how does alcohol and smoking affect compostie fillings -if i am tewnty now, by what age will my fillings wear off, or will they wear off? -does composite filling make your teeth weaker, i.e break easily, chip, -are there special kinds of tooth paste made for composite feelings to remain white -How do i take proper care of my two front teeth (containing the composite). Thank You so much for your time.


The effect of alcohol on composites is minimal. There are different types of composite with different surface finishes. also the placement tecnique will play a large effect. generally the smoother the finshed urface is the less it will stain. the weak area is staining at the margins. most quote 2-5 yrs before surface deterioration makes replacement an option. some last 10yrs +
Normal tooth paste is fine , electric brushes are also OK
Giving up smoking would help.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk
March 30th, 2013 at 08:47 PM
Monique Says :

Thank you very much I had the same concerns 🙂

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