What treatment should I get for tooth that has darkened?

Q. Dear Dr Glaister. I am desperate for some professional help with my teeth. I would say my general dental appearence is good, however I have a dead single tooth at the upper front. This tooth was banged a few years back and as a result the nerve has shrunk up into my gum. When tested at the dentist I had a cold compression test and did not feel anything. My question is this, at present the tooth is discloured, (a yellow tinge)and due to increased brushing there is a dark mark at the top of my gum line. This hugely affects my confidence and will to smile. I have considered whitening treatments but am worried that because the tooth is dead and more discoloured it will stand out more, I have thought about veneers and other dental surgery but get told different things each time. what would you suggest, im really upset and need some honest, professional advice and direction.,
A. Hi, Sounds as though you have had a root treatment on this tooth and then a metal jacket crown on the top to protect it from breaking. If you are concerned with the aesthetics of the tooth then it sounds as though you need the crown replaced with a pure porcelain one.I am more than happy to help you with this matter.Justin Glaister
Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: www.umbrellasmiles.com Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

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