prominent gaps between front teeth, chipped teeth a cap and pertrified of dentist

Q. Hi there, since I was a child I’ve had prominent gaps between my 4 front teeth and still have 2 of my baby teeth which I think are my cuspids. However I had root canal treatment on one of these teeth as the tooth was rotten. The dentist however done a botchy job and now the tooth has discoloured – mind you it probably doesn’t help that I smoke. Also, when I was 12 I chipped my front tooth and have had a cap on it ever since. I’m now 28 and would like to get these done, but I’m petrified of dentists hence the reason leaving it so long. If you could please help I’d be most grateful. I hate my smile and have low confidence because of my teeth. Kind regards, N

A. Dear N,

My advice to you is to book in with a dentist who is trained in cosmetic dentistry to have an initial consultation to find out the best way to treat your problems.

Without seeing you it is difficult for me to determine exactly how to give you the beautiful smile that you are seeking. You mention that you have a root filled dark tooth , an existing crowned tooth and and some remaining baby teeth. These problems are not insurmountable but do require some careful planning to produce a great end result. A thorough examination of your mouth, X-rays of your teeth would be the initial requirements to plan your case properly, probably followed by a “diagnostic wax up” of your teeth. This is a good way of deciding how we can improve the aesthetics of your smile by making models of your mouth which we then add tooth coloured wax onto to reshape your teeth. This way there is no guess work involved to give you the best results.

Hope this gives you some idea of how you can be helped.


Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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