My two filled teeth are extremely sensitive do i need a root canal?

Q. Back in May I had to have my two top wisdom teeth pulled. They were bothering me so they needed to go. Upon examination and x-rays I was told I needed two fillings as well where I had pretty much already had fillings before. I went ahead and had those done as to not cause problems in the future. After the treatment the two teeth that had fillings have been EXTREMELY sensitive to hot and cold to where it would be an 8 for me on a scale of 1-10 in pain. I can’t drink drinks with ice without a straw, biting into freshly cooked hot food is uncomfortable and they will start to throb. I went back to the dentist who said they were big fillings so that may be the problem and suggested I just not drink or eat anything hot or cold (which I think is asburd, I mean who will never drink an ice cold drink in their life again?) Anyways, she said that if it didn’t get better she might have to do a root canal. My problem is, I didn’t have this problem until she said I needed them filled. There was no sensitivity or pain or anything. Now I have it and need a possible root canal? I’m just not sure this is the case and I feel maybe she did something wrong. I read soemwhere that if you don’t keep I think the tooth or the bonding moist that the middle part gets dehydrated and can be sensitve? Do you agree with the dentist or should I have a second opinion to make sure the root canal isn’t my only option? I just don’t trust the dentists solution but then again I don’t know much about dentistry.

A. There are 3 possible solutions/outcomes of this sort of post opertaive sensitivity.
1. the tooth will gradually settle until after about 6-12 months the tooth will be OK again.
2. Remove the filling (if the filling isn’t close to the nerve of the tooth), dress the tooth with a temporary filling and allow the tooth to settle before refilling.
3. If the filling is very dep and close to the nerve, remove the nerve and root canal the tooth.

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

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