my teeth have started to darken and go black in between

Q. I have just noticed that in between my teeth….it seems to be black or darkening. I go to the dentist every year….The same office since 1970 and I am 48 years old. I have only had 2 cavities and that is it. ….other than wisdom teeth being removed. I am really unsure of this darkening and I noticed it again this morning….Sometimes it is not as bad. Could it be medicine or something happening with my body?

A. It could just be some staining in between the teeth. I would advise you to go and see your dentist and also see a hygienist. Your gums may be receeding or you may have some tartar inbetween your teeth. All of these could be reasons for the darkening occuring on your teeth
Kind Regards

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri
January 26th, 2009 at 08:47 PM
Miss Gill Says :

My teeth seem to be really sensitive – i noticed a chip in my lower left front tooth which is also very sensitive. It feels like my teeth are really weak they are not white and plus it constantly feels like food sticks to my teeth – it seems like i have no enamel?

May 13th, 2010 at 08:47 PM
Randy Says :

Mine also have turned black between the teeth. It has only happened since I have taken for two months Biaxin. The only other thing in my diet that is different is that I have started eating a snack of dried plums covered in dark chocolate. I have ate dark chocolate before with no darkening, but perhaps I am leaving these treats to long in my mouth.

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