My porcelain veneer has fallen out three times

Q. I had a porcelain veneer fited 7 months ago and it has fallen out 3 times should this happen..


A. It is difficult to comment specifically on your case but as a general rule the bonding techniques nowadays provide long lasting veneers. Failures can occur if a patients bite is particularly heavy, if they have a particular damaging habit( such as nail biting) or there is not enough tooth structure to support the veneer. In these cases a standard crown is often the answer.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan
June 28th, 2008 at 08:47 PM
Erika Says :

Mine fell off in just 2 weeks of replacement. And I did not ate anything unhealthy or hard. Could you tell me why it fell off and
could I wash it with Listerine and it be Ok. And I can only go to the dentist after a week, is that threatening to my me?

Please help me

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