My front tooth is growing out of my gum and I cant afford braces

Q. Hiya, one of my very front teeth grew on the gum so it protrudes quite a bit plus I knocked it when I was younger and it is now discoloured due to it dying. What is the best and quickest procedure to fix my smile other than braces. I\’m 23 and nither have the money or time for braces. Regards

A. Dear T
thank you for enquiry. The quickest way to fix your tooth is to have a veneer or crown placed over it. Due to the fact that the tooth has been traumatised and has discoloured it probably has died and if you haven’t already had root canal treatment, your tooth will probably need one. Always be careful of quick fix plans. This is your front tooth and you need to have the best treatment possible.

If your tooth has been root treated you can have internal bleaching done on it to lighten the colour. This will improve the appearance of the tooth without being too destructive. It will not however change the position of it. A crown or veneer is the best treatment option for changing the position of the tooth if you are unwilling to consider having braces. This will give you the result that you want but depending on how far forward the tooth is, could be quite destructive and weaken the tooth. You may end up having a combination of bleaching and restorative work. Crowns and veneers range from £500 to £1500. Front teeth always need to be treated with care. We have to make sure that in order for it to look natural the colour shape and texture of the new restoration matches the teeth on either side of it. Usually I will send my patients to the laboratory to have the colour match done. The process will probably take between 2 and 4 weeks.

The best thing to do is to try and find a cosmetic dentist in your area that has experience in a full range of cosmetic procedures and has a portfolio. This way you know that you will be getting the best treatment for your tooth. I hope this answers your questions
Kind Regards

Dr Komal Suri Smile Design Dental 33 High Street, Wendover, Buckinghamshire HP22 6DU Web:  Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Suri
April 30th, 2008 at 08:47 PM
jack Says :

hi im 19 yrs old, when my front teeth first came through they were both at an angle pointing forward together. I knocked one of my front top teeth out not long after i actually got them. I had to have a faulse one in for about 11 years on a pallet. It has really knocked my confidence. ive had braces but my dentist said my tooth fibres are like an elastic band so my teeth arnt garanteed to stay straight. Ive had my brace off for about 7 months now and my other front tooth bends straight back to the way it was when i was younger if i leave my retainer out, even after a couple of hours. I need some advise because im sick of my tooth moving straight back. I am getting a porcilan implant put into my gap, will veneers or luminers help my teeth look straighter? i smoke, and drink coffee so my teeth have discoloured. Money isnt an object when it comes to my smile, i just want to have normal, white, straight teeth. can you advise me on what to do

December 4th, 2008 at 08:47 PM
delrita Says :

my baby had his front teeth removed at three. they are coming in but it looks like its stuck in the gums will they come out. you can see them through the front of his tooth

March 4th, 2009 at 08:47 PM
Angelica Says :

I have a problem with my teeth. When I was younger, about 12 years old, I started two teeth on top of my gums, in front of my teeth, the look like fangs and I hate showing my teeth when I smile because of the two extra teeth on top. I was wondering what caused this problem and if there is any way that I can get them removed

May 11th, 2009 at 08:47 PM
Osama Says :

Hi, my fiance’s upper gum is stuck out I mean frward, so when she smiles all her upper gum is seen, I am in the third world and doctors here told me that this is the sckul form which can’t be changed even by an operation. I still have hope and I want to treat her. Please help me.

May 11th, 2009 at 08:47 PM
Osama Says :

Hi, my fiance’s upper gum is stuck out I mean frward, so when she smiles all her upper gum is seen, I am in the third world and doctors here told me that this is the sckul form which can’t be changed even by an operation. I still have hope and I want to treat her. Please help me out

July 8th, 2009 at 08:47 PM
raman Says :

hi ,one of my lower thooth is a stuck lower side , it seems very bad . i want to be it straight so that it looks nice. whts the cost of braces for my one thooth. nd now m on maternity so it will be free of cost or i have to pay plese help me nd advise me wht should i do? thx alot

May 17th, 2013 at 08:47 PM
NayNay Says :

My 7 year old is getting one of her front teeth . The only problem is the new tooth is growing on the upper upper gum behind the lip. And the baby tooth hasn’t fallen out yet. Why is this. Abd whatbis the least painful procedure to fix it? ……..Worried.

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