Lot of pain in the area around an emerging tooth

Q. Hello, I have a full grown wisdom tooth at the very end of my top right. So far there has been no problems with it. Now, at the very end of my top left there is also a wisdom but not full grown, its looks like its still emerging, but it hurts a lot. Im not sure if its an infection or if is just swollen. I can definitely see a big blob behind the tooth,like on the back wall of my mouth. My jaw feels very stiff, it hurts when I open it all the way. Its also really hard to chew food. Im going see my dentist on monday. Can you please explain whats happening or what I can do in the meantime to deal with it? Thanks.

A. Your dentist will either advise a course of antibiotics and mouth wash to resolve the localised infection around this erupting tooth or advise extraction of the tooth if it is poorly positioned.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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