It has been 2 days after finishing the RCT and i still have continuous tooth ache is this normal?

Q. Dear Rob Tennet, I had cavity in one of my upper jaw tooth and just did my RCT. i had three visits in total for this treatment. During the first visit, dentist removed and cleaned my tooth with different tools and temporary filled it, i still had toothache after it. During the 2nd visit, the dentist still found infection and again used the tools to clean the infection, after that my toothache was almost finished. In the last visit, the dentist did permanent filling and before that did various long procedures to finally end it. From that day onwards i am having continuous tooth ache and cannot touch that teeth normally which i use to do before. Hence its 2nd day after finishing the RCT. Is this normal? I can easily drink HOT and COLD Stuff but cannot chew and bite easily. I have started taken Ponstan. Please advice if its abnormal. i am tensed as i think the dentist is on vacation these days.

A. It is not abnormal that a few people suffer pain after root canal. hopefully this is like a bruise reaction that peaks 3-5 days after final seal and then subsides. Often the tooth will be crowned following succesful root canal. in an emergency it is good idea to reduce the height of the tooth to keep it clear of the bite. Rob

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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