is there anything that can be done for mottling on the teeth

Q. Hello, my daughter is 17 in July and ever since her permanent teeth have come through she has had motteling on her teeth (not all of them) just her front ones. She has had treatment and her dentist has tried their best with what they can do but she is still very unhappy, she has never really smiled properly and it isnt until recently i realised just how much this is affecting her. Is there any other treatment she could have apart from veneers (whitening etc). Any advice would be much appreciated please. Thankyou.

A. Very sorry to hear about your daughters problem.  If the stain is within enamel a technique called microabrasion can be used to remove the stain.  The other possiblity is to place bonding on the surface to disguise the imperfections.  At 17 I would hold off on veneers as the nerve underneath can be damaged if they are very large.  However, it obviously is important that your daughter can relate to her piers comfortably

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan
September 15th, 2010 at 08:47 PM
christine Says :

I am now 28 i was 13 years of age when i had veeners to my front four teethh and am begining to see mottling effects on my bottom teeth also my veeners have been in place for 15 years is there anyway i can get help from the NHS??

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