Is it possible to have a veneer placed on a dead tooth?

Q. Im 30, and Ive always looked after my teeth, I see my regular dentist and hygeniest twice a year. My dentist is just an ordinary dentist and so I wouldnt be too confident in asking for cosmetic procedures from her which is why Im asking the advice of an expert such as yourself. My problem is that one of my front teeth is dead and is discoloured. My dentist bleeched it several years ago and this did work fairly well in matching it up to the rest of my teeth. However now as im getting older the rest of my teeth are starting to discolour not really badly but in this day and age with everyone walking about with whiter than white teeth Im starting to feel ashamed of my yellowish teeth. I cant bleech all my teeth as I have a dead tooth and by bleeching all the others it would make this one dead tooth stand out even more. My question is, is it possible to have a veneer placed on a dead tooth? Also if it is, would it be better to have my 2 front teeth venneered so they are both identical and then have the rest of my teeth bleeched? Sorry for the longness of this question. Really want to get my smile sorted so I can enjoy my thirties with confidence! Many thanks.

A. Hi

1. I imagine that you mean a tooth which has had a root canal when referring to a “dead tooth”. If so, yes, it is possible to have a veneer on this tooth… if the tooth is healthy and the bite permits this.

2. Veneering one tooth to match the other teeth is very difficult to get an ideal comsetical outcome. Therfore it may be indicated to veneer the two central teeth to get an ideal result. Of course it is very difficult to give you a definitive answer without an examination of the mouth.

I hope this helps

Dr Kalpesh Bohara The Dental Suite 27 Park Road, Loughborough, LE11 2ED Web:  Tel: 01509 231144 3 Rutland Street, Leicester City Centre, LE1 1RBTel: 0116 312 0054 View My Profile Dr Bohara

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