If I have my baby incisor removed will my adult tooth come down and fill the gap?

Q. I m 20 years old and I have my top two baby incisors still. The adult incisor teeth are visibleright above the baby teeth. My right baby incisor is loose. If I pull them out will me adult teeth come down and fill the gap? If so how long will it take until the tooth moves to fill the gap?,
A. You need to take Xrays to answer this. The StJohns Dental Practice offers a free initial consultation to help patients decide on the best option(although xrays would be charged). Call 0121 643 0610 for details of our Birmingham city centre dental practice.
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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