Iam getting quite worried about my receeding gums

Q. Hi there, I am getting quite worried about my receeding gums and what can be done about them. I have really bad receeding gums on both my top front teeth and all my lower front teeth. My teeth have started to be really painful, aching most of the time and are now incredibly sensitive to hot, cold and sweet foods. I am only 25, dont have any dental problems that I know of and my gums dont bleed, this seems to have started suddenly a year ago and I notice the gums shrinking noticeably more every few weeks. My dentist has told me it is due to harsh brushing and there is nothing I can do about it, but I use a soft toothbrush and am careful when brushing them. I’m just worried about damage to the teeth in the future, and who is the best person to see about this. Thanks

A. Otrher possible causes of receeding gums are gum disease, and bite problems.  As you say you have bad breath it is possible that the cause is due to gum disease.  However this problem can be caused by all of the above and by over brushing.  I suggest you see your dentist again to voice your concerns.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan
April 9th, 2010 at 08:47 PM
karla acosta Says :

my name is karla i have a proublem i have like a brown spot between my gums and teeth .. it looks like my gum is covering my teeth.these never happend to me..can u tell me whats wrong oh what i have?

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