I was told as a child I was unable to have a brace

Q. I was told as a child I was unable to have a brace as I have an irregular shape jaw. I now have a gap when I bite my teeth together and so have difficulty biting food(I can easily get my little finger through the gap. I also have a very “gummy” smile and twisted front tooth and bottom teeth. Am I beyond help? Thanks for your time

A. You are not beyond help. Your first step is to book in with an orthdontist to see what can be done for your open bite ie how long you would have to wear a brace for a what type of brace they would recommend. The brace would also correct the twisted teeth.
Once you have had your brace removed, you may want to consult a cosmetic dentist to see what can be done for your gummy smile. There are a few different methods around for adjust gum length including simply using a laser which can be done in a matter of minutes.

Hope this has been of help to you

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: www.umbrellasmiles.com Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister
October 4th, 2008 at 08:47 PM
Joanne Says :

Hi I’m 29, I have an overbite of my teeth, which i am very aware of and hate going out in social situations. I really would like braces to sort this out, however i have had most of my back upper teeth extracted (1 wisdom tooth left) Is it still possible to have braces? Or could you advise on any thing else i could do? thankyou in advance

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