i now have a crooked discoloured teeth is veneers an option for me?

Q. I suffered a miscarriage (on my wedding day!) and whilst in hospital fainted on the ward landing on my front top teeth (!). My top front left tooth was displaced (to a 45 degree angle) and the others went through my bottom lip. The top front right tooth moved sideways. The top left tooth was pushed back into place but the right one left how it was. A brace was secured over them for a week. This has since been removed and the hospital have discharged me advising me to seek a dentist. I have sought a dentists advice who has said both teeth are dead and i need root canal treatment. However, she also said the wonky tooth cannot be repositioned and a brace will not fix it. I did have very straight white teeth and I am absolutley distraught that I now have crooked discoloured teeth. Surely this can be sorted out? My teeth positioning has affected my speech and I cannot return to work as a Police officer incase of furthur injury & no-one can understand me anymore! Rreally I am after some sort of second opinion albeit over the internet. Would veneers be an option or anything else come to that? My dentist is private and after a wedding this month (and moving house) funds are a little tight. Thankyou in advance, regards

A. You seem to have had lifetime of bad luck in one day. I hope it starts getting better.
The root canal should be started ASAP, the dead nerve will continue to darken the tooth until it is removed. Root treatment is avaialable on the NHS, Private treatment costs more but may have a better success rate. Once treated crowns or veneers might be appropriate to appear to realign the teeth. Long term the outlook for the teeth is gaurded. Roots that have had significant trauma can dissolve and work loose over time.
Our Birmingham Practice offers a free initial consultation for more detailed discussion investigating likely costs in your case. Follow the weblink or call Amy for details 0121 643 0610

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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