I have acid erosion on my teeth how much would a full makeover cost

Q. I believe I have acid erosion on my front two teeth, nearest to the gums. My teeth are also slightly crooked (bottom set) and discoloured. I would like a quote for how much a full makeover would cost. Many Thanks


A. It is impossible for me to give you even a rough estimate without actually seeing you. In my practice I offer a free consultation which allows me on many occasions to give ball park figures on cost. Please contact my practice if this is of interest to you.

As far as your specific problems my first question would be is it only the 2 front teeth. If this is the case it is more likely that you have a bite problem. This is when your irregular lower teeth catch a couple of your upper teeth and cause these teeth to slightly flex around the gum area. The enamel does not flex and flacks away causing cavities in these areas. Evening out of your bite and repositioning your lower incisors would help a great deal to prevent this problem worsening. Bleaching your teeth may be all that is required to give you the whiter teeth that you desire.

Kindest regards

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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