I have acid erosion, and my teeth have become discolored

Q. I have acid erosion, and my teeth have become quite discoloured despite the fact I have never smoked, and I don’t drink tea, coffee or red wine. I wonder whether the enamel has worn away so the appearance could be due to the dentine being revealed? The bottom third of my upper front teeth appear especially dark. I am keen to get my teeth whitened but am concerned that this may not help in my case. Can you let me know what you think? Many thanks.


“typical” erosion is often treated with porcelain veneers as the enamel has been dissolved ( as your question recognises ) Depending on the amount of disclouration and the desired final colour, you might pre whiten the teeth prior to veneering. Six veneers on the upper front teeth at £4-600 per veneer is very rough guide

NB you need to establish that the erosive problem has stabilised prior to treatment

If you would like a free personal assesment please contact my central Birmingham Practice.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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