I have a wire retainer stuck behind my tooth

Q. I had braces when i was younger to straighten my upper front teeth as the to teeth adjacent to my two middle front teeth were twisted. I have a piece of wire stuck behind my upper front teeth to keep them straight but recently they have started to move again because of my wisdom coming through. They are also slightly discoloured because I smoke. Do you think lumineers (the type of veeners that are stuck on without filing dow…i think this is what they’re called?) would work? what would you suggest? and what are the costs involved? Thanks so much!

A. Hi,

It looks like you had a bonded retainer to keep your teeth aligned. Movement of the teeth indicates that the retainer is not longer bonded on properly.

Treatment to correct this, can involve veneers but without stabilising the position of the teeth, they may continue to move.

Another round of orthodontic treatment may be required. If it is not too severe, the Inman aligner is a great treatment to get the teeth back in line and relatively cheaperly.  Once realigned another bonded retainer or clear retainer should help prevent this reoccurring.

The orthodontic treatment using the inman aligner would cost approximately £1500, whilst veneers – be it lumineer s or traditional veneers approximately £3000 – £4000 depending on your cosmetic requirements.

Dr Safeer Butt S3 Dental – Synergistic Smile Studios Clinics in Kent, Surrey & Sussex Web: www.s3dental.co.uk Tel: 020 8398 6322 View My Profile Dr Butt

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