i have a loose cap that came off my tooth

Q. I have a few upper teeth that are capped. This was done several years ago. Have had no problem except recently one of the front caps became loose and eventually fell out. When I went to the dentist, she told me the cap was broke at the top. She could cement it back in but it wouldn’t last and that I should consider either a bridge or implant. My question is, can this cap be fixed? Isn’t there some way they can bond it or fix the broken area so I will not have to go through the expense of a bridge or implant? I am 74 years old and if it wasn’t that the tooth was in the front, I would forget about it, but I can’t. Could you please tell me if I have any alternatives here. I thank you for your time and hope to hear from you.


To answer the question I would have to guess why the the tooth broke without actually seeing it. My guess is that your dentist had a reason. But here are some options.
1. Ask if the root is srong enough for a root filling / cast post / new crown.
2. Go to another dentist for a second opinion
I understand that you want as little as possible doing but a weakly fixed front tooth is not a good idea.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk
March 31st, 2010 at 08:47 PM
Robert Says :


I have my top set of teeth capped cosmetic reasons hate them, Mr Peacock at the Smile Boutique Capped them in Peterborough, he should of said no but he went along with it so now feeling vain capped and it has affected my speech!


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