I have a large gap in between my two front teeth

Q. Hi I have a large gap in-between my two front teeth. This gap is genetic, it runs in the family and while I don’t want to close the gap completely I would like to reduce the size of it. I know a friend that didnt used braces for that, but his dentist put something at the back of the front teeth to keep them together. I dont really want braces as Im 20 years old now. but i would like to know what else can I do about it. I was thinking about bondings or something cheap. Thank you

A. Its very difficult to advise you on this as the treatment avaiable to you is dependant on the size of the gap and the shape and size of your existing teeth. Bonding can work very well if a) your teeth are suitable for this option, and b) you get it done by a cosmetic dentist. Bonding will certianly be the cheapest option for you.

The next option avaible to you is an invisible brace such as invisilign or an inman aligner. Althought this will be alot more costly than bonding, the results will be perminant, wheras the bonding will need to be redone every 5 years or so.

I hope this has been of help.

Kind regards
Dr Justin Glaister

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: www.umbrellasmiles.com Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

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