i am 23 years old and i still have several of my baby teeth?

Q. Hello. I am 23 years old and still have several of my baby teeth. My adult teeth do not appear to be coming in now and I do not have tender gums. I was just wondering if this is something to be concerned about, especially since I heard someone say that if you don’t lose your baby teeth and your adult teeth are underlying then it could later cause decay and blood poisoning. So I am very curious. Thanks for your time.

A. I have not come across blood poisoning due to retained baby teeth. More usually the problem is that when the baby teeth eventually drop out ( as they are designed to do) You are left with a gap. A good way to manage this is often a dental implant , guide price £2000-2,500
Initially I would take an Xray to find out if the replacement adult teeth are buried or missing, then plan for future replacement as.necessary.
If you would like to discuss this further please contact StJohns Birmingham on 0121 643 0610

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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