How much will a bridge for 4 teeth and 2 dental implants cost?

Q. I need a bridge to cover 4 front teeth and 2 implants on the left side can you give me a price quote as near as possible please

A. Dear M,

It is always difficult to give you a costing as there are a lot a variables that needed to be assessed. For instance do you need a bone graft to allow for the placement of the implants, are the teeth supporting the bridge free from infection or do they need some treatment prior to making the bridge, does your bite need evening out ( equilibration ) prior to any of this treatment etc. Provided that there are no extra treatments required a typical case requiring the treatment you outlined would cost in the region of £9000.

My best advice would be for you to have a comprehensive examination to allow proper assessment of you situation.


Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan
February 15th, 2010 at 08:47 PM
stav stavros Says :

what a crook you should be ashamed you was trained and got grants we pay taxes for

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