Hi am a very nervous patient when it comes to Dentists how painful is root canal

Q. Hi am a very nervous patient when it comes to Dentists. I am due to have a route canal done tomorrow how pain full is this? as one one i ask tells me and they just say “good luck,its very painful!” Please id like a truthful honest answer. Thanks


Root canal should not be painful at all. You do need to be fully numb, so there are a couple of injections at the beginning which register 5 out of ten for discomfort. After that you need a little time for the injection to “soak in “.
Root Canal can be done over more than one visit if you need to go slower.
Sometimes you get a bruising type low grade ache 3-5 days following root canal. Normal headache tablets will resolve this completely.
Dont forget to let your dentist know how you are doing, if you feel its a bit of struggle, they may be able to change tecnique.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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