Does my daughter need different antibiotics or is it necessary to remove the tooth?

Q. My 6 year old has had a course of antibiotics for dental abscess. It has improved but not resolved. Does she need different antibiotics or is it necessary to remove the tooth? Also she has decay in another tooth and the filling has fallen out. Could this tooth be treated with a crown. I have been advised to leave it as it is as it is not painful but is there a risk of further abscesses developing if we just wait and see? Thank you for your advice.,
A. it is not advisable to have a child of 6 to have a crown. As the abcess has returned after a short period of time, then I would have the tooth taken out. The fillin that has fallen out in the other toth needs to replaced as soon as possible to stop an abcess from forming on that tooth. It is an unfortunate situation that you are in and I do feel for you. I just need you to be aware that ideally, you need to get to the root cause of why your child is having to have lots of fillings and has already had an abcess. You need to assess your child’s diet and limit the times of the day when your child has sugary foods/drinks. Sugar, as I’m sure you’re aware is the main contributing factor in tooth decay. If you restrict sweet treats to mealtimes, then this will stabilise the sugar in the saliva and prevent decay. Hope this has helped.
Dr Kailesh Solanki Kissdental – UK Practice of the Year 2007 157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN.2 New Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2QS. 13 Stanley Street, Manchester, M8 8SH. Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250 View My Profile Dr Solanki

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