Can I get treatment on the NHS for missing tooth?

Q. hi. i had my daughter 7 months ago. therefore i still have my maternity exemption. about a year and a half ago. i had to have a tooth took out. at the time was told that you cant see it where it was. and to be honest it will cost a lot to have any work done on it. so it ended up ahving to be left with a big gap. which has really affected my confidence. along with that i had worked very hard to look after my teeth and also had braces at a young age. the gap has made my surrounding teeth nudge. and has changed my teeth. i have been told to get this work done it will cost £1200. i really can not afford to have this work done. and my confidence is just so low at the moment. is there any help i can get from the nhs?,
A. It has to be a functional problem not appearance to get nhs treatment. Rob
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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