calcium deficiency caused my teeth to rot and break

Q. When i was younger i suffered from a calcium deficiency, where my body didnt absorb calcium easily, and after that my teeth has started to rot and break, i went to the dentist and the replace sum filing etc, now sum feeling have come out, and im considering veneers as im very self conscious about my teeth, would you be able to tell me a rough price of getting veneers?


A. Most Veneers cost from £198 NHS to £700 privately £300-500 per veneer is typical.
You would need to control any existing rot before stating and the reduce the future risk of new problems.

If the enamel surface is very poor ( due to calcium deficiency) veneers may not bond to the tooth. This needs to be assessed. If veneers are not suitable crowns would be a similar cost.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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