Are gum diseases hereditary?

Q. I have suffered from receeding gums for years and have had deep cleaning treatment at sheffield teaching hospital. i m 43 years old. i have nearly always used a sonic toothbrush and for the last 3 years indent brushes and dental floss. when i was about 21 i had the skin that attaches the bottom lip cut because the dentist thought that it may be pulling the gum down. it made no difference. My dad suffered the same and had all his teeth out at 22, and his father before that at a similar age. Is it possible for this to be a hereditary factor.

A. Gum disease has a hereditry component – one of the factors that is involved with gum disease is your own immunity to the bacteria causing gum disease.  However if you see a hygienist every 3 months there is a good chance that your gum disease can be controlled

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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