After the root canal treatment i was suffering from worst sinuses is the both related?

Q. Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Price who hypothized that old root canals methastize to form serious immune diseases. See for a refresher on this doctors beliefs. I have been plagued with bad sinus and for the last three years asthma. The sinus that I have trouble with is in the direct path of this old root canaled tooth. My dentist saw a shadow on an xray film and referred me to an endodontist who drilled through a fairly new cap to perform a retreatment. This all happened as he explained it would, with some pain a little swelling and I had the tooth filled by my regular dentist. A few days later I have come down with the worst sinuses and post nasal drip into my bronchioles causing fatigue and distress at being unable to breathe. In my mind the two are connected. If I follow Dr. Price’s therapy of having the tooth extracted in addition to the bony socket, would I then be a candidate for an implant. How long would I be toothless. It is the tooth right in front next to the largest tooth in the middle . I am vain, but seriously don’t think this tooth is worth all the sinus and asthmna trouble I have had. Please don’t tell me to see an allergist. I was under treatment for two years and only got worse. My diet is varied and I don’t eat a lot of junk food. How would I find a dental surgeon who subscribes to Dr. Price’s theories.

A. My understanding of Dr Prince is that his theory links distant or systemic disease to foc infection in the mouth ( root canal is the main villian associated ) sinus prblems are more anatomically linked. personally I thimk root canal is still a valid treatment but would take out a tooth which is causing symptoms. Rob

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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