Posts Tagged ‘rotten teeth’

Middle Class Mothers Can Have ‘Ribena Babies’ Too

Middle Class Mothers Can Have ‘Ribena Babies’ Too

5-year-old, Stan Donnelly, recently had his rotted milk tooth removed even though his mother claims to have taken good care of his teeth. Claire Donnelly of Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, stated that she thought providing her child with a low-sugar diet and adequate brushing would ensure her son to have healthy teeth. When digging a […]

A third of UK 12 year olds have rotten teeth

A third of UK 12 year olds have rotten teeth

A survey has revealed that 1 in 3 British 12 years old have rotten teeth. The national NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme, which was conducted by a team at the Liverpool John Moores University, revealed that a third of UK 12 year olds suffer from tooth decay. The study also found that there were significant differences […]

Standards of dental health declining amongst Australian children

Standards of dental health declining amongst Australian children

Children as young as four years old are facing extensive dental work due to severe dental health problems, it has been revealed. Dentists across Australia are reporting a worrying trend, which involves very young children requiring complex dental work to repair damaged teeth or extract rotten teeth. Some children are even being given intravenous antibiotics […]