Posts Tagged ‘Ontario’

Ontario dental patients advised to undergo testing amid sterilisation fears

Ontario dental patients advised to undergo testing amid sterilisation fears

Dental patients registered at an office in Ontario have been contacted by the health board amid fears dental staff failed to employ suitable sterilisation techniques. Patients from Upper Middle Dental, Burlington, have been advised to undergo testing to rule out blood-borne diseases and infections, including HIV and hepatitis B and C. Authorities have confirmed that […]

Poor Brushing Technique Leads to Tooth Sensitivity

Poor Brushing Technique Leads to Tooth Sensitivity

Most of us are aware that it is important to brush our teeth twice a day, but a good brushing technique is equally important and brushing too hard can actually cause long-term problems. Improper brushing can cause the gums to recede, which increases the risk of tooth sensitivity, an extremely common problem. Winnipeg dental hygienist, […]