Posts Tagged ‘Japan’

Neuroscientists Reveal The Real Reason You Feel Nervous At The Dentist’s

Neuroscientists Reveal The Real Reason You Feel Nervous At The Dentist’s

Most of us are familiar with butterflies in the tummy and a racing heartbeat when faced with a wait outside the treatment room at the dental practice and researchers from Japan have revealed the reason why so many of us feel anxious in the waiting room. Neuroscientists in Japan have been studying brain activity in […]

Scientists Working On New Diamond Dental Implants

Scientists Working On New Diamond Dental Implants

Scientists from UCLA and the NanoCarbon Research Institute in Japan have discovered that tiny diamonds could be sued to improve the efficacy of dental implant treatment and reduce the risk of osteonecrosis, a disease that affects the bone tissue in the jaw. Scientists have discovered that nanodiamonds, which are so small that they cannot be […]

Bad Breath Gas Instrumental in Stem Cell Research

Bad Breath Gas Instrumental in Stem Cell Research

Researchers in Japan have claimed that the gas linked to bad breath and flatulence is instrumental in stem cell research. Hydrogen sulphide, a gas known for its odorous properties, has been used by researchers in Japan to convert stem cells from the teeth into new liver cells. Scientists at Nippon Dental University revealed that studies […]