Posts Tagged ‘HPV virus and oral cancer’

Link Found Between HPV And Poor Dental Health

Link Found Between HPV And Poor Dental Health

Cases of throat cancer have increased over the last few years, with numerous causes sited for the disease. Smoking and drinking have been named as two such reasons for the problem, but fingers have now been pointed at poor oral health and its connection with the human papillomavirus or HPV. The University of Texas Health […]

New Blood Test Could Be Used To Test For HPV Before Oral Cancer Diagnosis

New Blood Test Could Be Used To Test For HPV Before Oral Cancer Diagnosis

A blood test, which tests for antibodies to the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is associated with throat and mouth cancer, could be used to identify the virus years before oral cancer is diagnosed, according to representatives from the World Health Organisation. In a study, which has been published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, […]

Philippine Dentist Issue Warning Over Oral Sex

Philippine Dentist Issue Warning Over Oral Sex

Dentists in the Philippines have warned members of the public that oral sex could increase the risk of oral cancer more than drinking and smoking. Doctors and dentists spoke at a joint conference held by the Philippine Dental Association and the Philippine Medical Association to highlight the role the human papilloma virus plays in oral […]

BDHF Welcomes HPV Vaccination Change

BDHF Welcomes HPV Vaccination Change

The British Dental Health Foundation has welcomed a change in the HPV vaccination programme. The government has announced plans to change the vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus from Cervarix to Gardasil. The BDHF believes that the change will provide more health benefits, as well as protecting against genital warts. In 2010, around 75,000 people […]