Posts Tagged ‘dental sealants’

Research At Derby Dental Practice Could Provide The Key To Preventing Tooth Decay

Research At Derby Dental Practice Could Provide The Key To Preventing Tooth Decay

Research carried out at a Derby dental practice could prevent thousands of children from developing tooth decay. Sixty children in Alfreton were treated with a new form of sealant before their adult teeth were fully erupted. The dental team believe this method is more effective as the tooth is exposed for longer and has a […]

Dental sealants may cause levels of BPA to increase

Dental sealants may cause levels of BPA to increase

A new study has found that dental sealants may cause levels of BPA in the body to rise. Dental sealants are used regularly as a preventative measure to protect and strengthen children’s teeth; however, a study has revealed that sealants can also increase the levels of an oestrogen-like substance known as BPA. BPA, also known […]

Research highlights possible chemical risks in dental sealants

Research highlights possible chemical risks in dental sealants

New figures released by Statistics Canada have revealed that over ninety percent of Canadians between the ages of six and seventy-nine have detectable traces of Bispherol A (BPA) in their bloodstream and urine. BPA is a commonly used man-made chemical, which is used to harden plastics, and is also used to make products including helmets, […]