Posts Tagged ‘bone growth with dental implants’

Chinese Researchers Grow New Teeth From Urine

Chinese Researchers Grow New Teeth From Urine

Researchers in China have used human urine to grow new teeth. The findings of a new study, which have been published in Cell Regeneration Journal, showed that human urine can be used a source of stem cells to grow new teeth. During the trial, tiny teeth-like structures started to develop and the team is hoping […]

Tel Aviv dental school accused of testing on humans and animals

Tel Aviv dental school accused of testing on humans and animals

The Tel Aviv University medical school has been accused of testing humans and animals as part of a research project to assess and stimulate bone growth with dental implants. Suspicions arose when a photograph of two frightened kittens in the university’s laboratory was received by Behind Closed Doors, a charity which is designed to protect […]