Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Link between Periodontitis and Diabetes and Obesity

Link between Periodontitis and Diabetes and Obesity

A researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry has received a two-year federal grant totalling $432,000, to continue a study concerning the relationship between periodontitis and type 2 diabetes and obesity. Dr. Keiko Watanabe, in a study published in the J. of Periodontology (July, 2008), showed that periodontitis accelerated the inception […]

Stem Cells Found in Dental Pulp

Stem Cells Found in Dental Pulp

    In a recent study published in the J. of Endodontics (August, 2008), study investigators made use of stem cells that were collected from primary (baby) teeth that have fallen out in order to cultivate pulp tissue in mice. It worked! Pulp tissue (found in the centre of the teeth) includes the nerves, blood […]

Award-Winning Smiles

Award-Winning Smiles

People aren’t born with award winning smiles, however in the majority of cases these can be produced by skilled and talented cosmetic dentists. These dentists use a well-defined smile plan. People generally want to look their best, and they realize that making a good impression incorporates a nice smile. Creating these smiles merge the dentist’s […]

Periodontitis Linked to Less Need for Allergy and Infection Treatments

Periodontitis Linked to Less Need for Allergy and Infection Treatments

Recently, a record study was printed in the J. of Periodont. (August, 2008), that showed that subjects with periodontitis were less likely to receive allergy medications and/or antibiotics. Investigators looked at 12,631 patient files from the same HMO, which included a 7 year period; these patients also had periodontitis. This record review assessed patient data […]

Lavender Scent Calms Dental Patients

Lavender Scent Calms Dental Patients

Researchers, who presented their results in England, have found that lavender scent may reduce pre-dental appointment anxiety in patients. Numerous people avoid the dentist because they are scared of being hurt, and this leads to an unhealthy mouth over time. This tends to work both ways, as the dental team becomes more anxious when dealing […]

The Amalgam Fillings Dilemma

The Amalgam Fillings Dilemma

An article published in the Sun Times (July 3, 2008) titled “Fighting Tooth and Nail,” said that the claims made about the danger of dental fillings that contain mercury are unwarranted. Also, that many investigations maintain the opposite, and even showed that there are no dissimilarities in children that had amalgam fillings versus those that […]

Periodontitis Increases Risk for Diabetes

Periodontitis Increases Risk for Diabetes

Diabetes and periodontal disease frequently appear simultaneously. Some researchers have suggested that this relationship is bi-directional. Untreated diabetes can cause more severe periodontal disease, and periodontal disease left untreated can also worsen the effects of a diabetic’s blood sugar levels. Recently, a study published in Diabetes Care (July, 2008), has demonstrated that moderate to severe […]

Gaps in Dental Fillings?

Gaps in Dental Fillings?

Cavities between your teeth are usually filled with composite fillings. However, as these harden, they usually shrink on initial set, and gaps may remain between your teeth and the material, supporting the development of more cavities.  When composites are used to fill dental cavities, they start off soft. This way the dentist can properly fill […]

Links Between Heart Disease And Bleeding Gums

Links Between Heart Disease And Bleeding Gums

According to researchers who recently presented their findings in Dublin, Ireland, unhealthy teeth, bleeding gingivae and poor oral hygiene are associated with the incidence of heart disease. Their report involved a divergence from other reports that found that bacterial by-products and inflammatory mediators play a role in this association. Their report claims that the bleeding […]

Alcohol Binge Drinking During Early Pregnancy Increases the Risk for Cleft Lip and/or Palate

Alcohol Binge Drinking During Early Pregnancy Increases the Risk for Cleft Lip and/or Palate

A Norwegian investigation, reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology (July 30, 2008), has shown that female subjects who binge-drank during their early pregnancy were at significant risk of having babies with cleft lip and/or cleft palate. The incidence of cleft lip and/or cleft palate for Norway is among the uppermost in Europe. Binge drinking […]