1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Please help if there is any dentist out there- am scared of my new dentist

    Hello there
    sorry this is a bit long, but i really need to give a full picture as i am so worried.
    I really need advice. I have a new dentist , who in April replaced an old filling on a bottom molar, did a new filling on the molar next to it and replaced a v large filling in the opposing tooth on the upper jaw.

    I will try and outline what happened
    He replaced lower filling on 2nd molar from the back, even though i told him it was the back molar that hurt,
    He said it was fine, and only on my insistance did he end up looking properly and actually agreed there was decay where the two molars met, sort of on the inside back of the tooth.

    He then replaced the top filling but said it might need root canal later if it didnt settle.

    two days after the treatment, my bottom tooth hurt, I went back and saw him, and he more or less ticked me off for coming back so soon as he said it would take time to settle.

    I went back last week, and the problem is because both teeth hurt at different times, i couldnt say for 100% which one it is. The bottom one hurts if I bite on it, say an apple, the top one hurt on the outside bit next to my cheek, if i have cold water say,

    He looked at the bottom one and said it couldnt possibly hurt cos the filling was too little. and it is probably the top one, but to give it to October to be sure. then he noticed what he called pin holes in the bottom filling, he put more thin filling on top, no drilling or anything, and when i said my bit was high, he drilled a bit off my top tooth which was fine

    The next day the thin bit of filling he had put on the bottom one dropped off.

    My problem is, my bottom one does hurt, i'm sure, and there is a little black mark on it where it meets the other tooth, but i'm too scared to go back, as I obviously get on his nerves and I dont want to upset him

    what shall i do - is the black bit decay? should i just put up with it til October and keep taking Nurofen as he suggested?

    Would be grateful for any advice(

  2. #2
    Dr Pav Khaira's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I would start by expressing your concerns to your dentist. I cannot think of what may take until October to settle down. Occasionally there are things that do take time but I cannot correlate any of these to what you are saying. Your other alternative is of course to find another reputable dentist.

    I hope this helps

    Kindest regards

    Special interest in TMJ treatments, tension headaches and migraine therapy

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    thankyou very much for your advice, I think i am a bit too frightened to go back to the same dentist, - doesnt pay to irritate a man with a drill in his hands, Perhaps time to seek a new practice

    Many thanks

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