Hi there
I have just had the second to last left upper molar extracted after nearly 2 yrs of intermittent pain after root canal treatment, crown, and apico surgery. I have also had sensitivity in the area above the problem tooth in the labial vestibule (this is the term I found on the web to describe the area where the gum reaches the very top of the mouth). When I touch this area it is very sensitive and now more so that I have had the extraction. The sensitive area is probably a centimetre across in size. My dentist has been told about this, but does not offer a reason why I have this problem. I 'm due to have an implant in the coming months, but am worried about this sensitive area and why my dentist (and 2 of his colleagues) do not have a clue what it could be. The surgeon at my dentist performed the apico surgery as he thought it could be a problem in the root of the molar, but pain persisted on and off after this surgery. Any advice would be appreciated.