1. #1

    Exclamation Braces for the second time...Please answer!

    I have had problems with my teeth since I was a child (I am now 24).
    I had cut all my adult teeth at a young age, and suffered bad overcrowding.

    I had 4 molars removed when I was 9, and then a brace for approx. 4 years followed by a retainer.
    My wisdom teeth came through in my late teens, and although they have never caused me pain I have recently had to have one removed due to decay. Idealy, I would like the remaining 3 removed as they are causing overcrowding again.

    After my orthodontic treatment, my teeth were really straight. Now, after so many years of treatment, my top front teeth are VERY crooked. It is a real problem to me, and really gets me down. I feel so let down after everything I have gone through, and feel it is a constant battle to get any dentist to listen to my worries.
    I am getting married next year and really want to feel confident then!

    I was told a while ago when I asked for another brace to be fitted that it would not be possible as my teeth had already been moved so much, another brace would cause them to become loose.Is this true? What treatment would you reccommend?

    Thank you so much for your time.

  2. #2


    Would just like to add that due to the overcrowding, I cannot clean all my teeth properly and this is causing decay.
    Also, I often get that 'pushing' feeling, similar to that when teeth are being manipulated by braces - that is just how overcrowded my teeth are!

  3. #3


    It took great amounts of bravery to upload this! I never show people my teeth as I hate them SO much.
    I am also hoping to be able to get some caps or something fitted to some teeth, as a lot are chipped etc. As well as whitening (the list really is endless!). My main priority is to get the horrible things as straight as I can.

    My lateral insisor (on the right in the photo) sticks out a lot in front of my central tooth.

  4. #4

  5. #5

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