Posts Tagged ‘gingivitis’

I have receding gums due to gingivtis, what can I do?

Friday, April 9th, 2010
i have had gingivitis and as a result have receding gums i dont like to smile nymore my teeth r also crooked is there any way i could get my teeth to look nice,

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

I have many dental problems due to gingivitis, can you recommend any treatment?

Monday, March 29th, 2010
Dear Dr Caplan I had aggressive gingivitis which has been made worse by smoking. I had my gums thoroughly cleaned and was told to stop smoking. After a few months, I reverted back to smoking and my gums became worse. I’ve recently been the dentist and had my teeth cleaned and am on corsodyl mouthwash to help my gums. I have reasonably good oral care, but my gums have been damaged. There are a few small, but noticeable, gaps between some of my teeth which have formed because of the gum receeding. I’ve stopped smoking and am finishing the prescription of corsodyl. My teeth have been badly stained by smoking. I wanted to know if you thought whether teeth whitening was an option or is it too dangerous given my gum problems to date? I know home teeth whitening kits don’t recommend people with gum problems to use them, but would professional whitening be possible? I would also be open to the possiblity of restorative cosmetic surgery? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m only in my late 20’s and not being able to smile or laugh without feeling really self-conscious about my teeth and gums is having a huge impact on my self-confidence and my life in general. Many thanks.,

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan