Posts Tagged ‘Eastman specialist department’

What advice can you give me about my wisdom tooth?

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Hi, I have a wisdom tooth at the back left bottom of my mouth that looks like it may have grown but has not cut the gum (the bottom right has half cut the gum top left through but growing into my cheek and top right just starting to cut) I am 36 they have come through very late no? My question is the bottom left has been “inflamed” according to my doctor and dentist I had throat problems so saw my doctor first who sent me to a dentist. This was Wednesday 14th November (I had the problem since Sunday 11th November) it is now a whole week later and it still feels the same the throat is better but the funny tingly feeling in my tooth and jaw is still there? The dentist gave me antibiotics metridonzale 3x200mg for 3 days but told me to only take them if the pain gets worse – I’m not actually in pain it just feels weird on the tooth which they said was inflamed so now I don’t know whether to take the tablets as its still inflamed- if I do get an infection I don’t want to have taken antibiotics when I didn’t have to. Please give me your advice what would you do if it was your mouth? I am thinking maybe get it out but I am terrified of dentists and will have to be referred to have it out under GA at Eastmans also with Christmas being so soon and the referral procedure I probably will be like this until at least January.I am at my wits end wondering will I have problems over Christmas. Thanks, I would love to come to your practise but I am NHS, is there an insurance or payment plan I could use? thanks 

Dr Mark Hughes Harley Street Dental Studio 52 Harley Street, London W1G 9PY Web: Tel: 020 7636 5981 View My Profile Dr Hughes