Posts Tagged ‘cosmetic dentistry drugs’

I hate my smile, and try to avoid showing my teeth to people.

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
Hello, I would appreciate your help. I hate my smile, and try to avoid showing my teeth to people. I saw a photo of me recently which had been taken when I was smiling and showing my teeth, and I was so horrified I felt like getting pliers and pulling my top two incisors out there and then. The trouble is, I have already worn braces for over two years in my teens (I’m 22 now), with rubber bands and everything. This was mainly done to correct a canine ‘snaggletooth’, instead of the other option which was to remove 4 molars, one in each corner of my mouth, in order to make more room for the canine tooth to come down to the same level as the other teeth. I was put off by the latter choice because the dentist warned that this could cause my face to have a ‘sunken in’ appearance, but I almost wish I had now, because my mouth still looks crowded. I have a very narrow smile, no matter how hard I try to stretch my lips at the sides, and I still have an overbite, and my top four incisors slant outwards compared to the canines on each side. Think Kylie Minogue’s smile, as although I have healthy teeth my smile looks narrow, showing relatively few teeth, and toothy. Is there any way I could have these large teeth fixed and my smile ‘widened’, without braces again? I would not want veneers either, as these would only make me teeth look even bigger than they are now. I want my front two teeth made smaller, shortened and straightened, pushed further back in relation to my lips so that there is no gap between them and the bottom two front incisors when my mouth is closed, and the two incisors either side on the top row just straightened. I would have this done even if it meant extracting the top four incisor teeth and implanting false ones. The length of my two front teeth is also made worse by the fact that I brushed them too hard when I was younger, causing the gumline above these to recede. Please could you give me an indication as to the possible procedures and cost, many thanks.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

How do I reduce the length of my teeth

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Hello, i am interested on getting some cosmetic dentistry work done in the coming months – Basically i am unhappy with the length on my central and lateral incisors, ive always been of this opinion, i had braces when i was younger, and am very happy with the position of the teeth. They are just too big in a length way!I am now 24 and want to get it sorted out, is there any way i can have them filed down maybe 2mm, i don’t think i need veneers, they seem expensive. I think it would greatly help my self esteem. If i can get this done what do i inquire about to a cosmetic dentist? and would you have a vague idea of how much this procedure would cost? Cheers.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

Hi, Id just like to know what implications would arise if cosmetic dentistry was to be available under the NHS?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Hi, Id just like to know what implications would arise if cosmetic dentistry was to be available under the NHS? do u think this is a feasible option?

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

My teeth are overcrowded in my mouth and I have large front teeth

Monday, March 30th, 2009
Can you help? My mouth is overcrowded and I have large front teeth, I saw an orthodontist when I was younger but he advised me all was ok! I beg to differ. As I have become older my wisdom teeth have come through, which I think is now causing teeth to overlap and become crooked. I have been too afraid to ask as I find it difficult to talk about and am scared that I am beyond help. My smile affects everything in my life due to low confidence and low self esteem. I would love to get something done! Is there still hope?

Dr Riten Patel The Mulberry 18 Ashley Road, Walton on Thames Surrey, KT12 1HS Web: Tel: 01932 223 479 View My Profile Dr Patel

I have a wide gap in the front of my mouth. how do i get it closed

Monday, March 30th, 2009
I have a wide gap in the front of my mouth. About 15 years ago I had bonding to try to close the gap, however, it really didn’t help. over the years, I have inserted tissue to try to fill in the space (I know it sounds crazy!!) I had been in financial bind for so long that i didn’t have the financial resources to solve the problem. Anyway, now it seems the gap may have gotten a little wider with the insertion of tissue. What I wanted to know is would I be able to get the bonding removed and what is your suggestion for the gap. The size of the gap is about the width of the top of a female pinky finger. I’ve never really spoken to anyone about this matter, so I am really ashamed, but I would like to be able to smile more and be confident about my smile. Any suggestions???

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

i have a large gap between my front two teeth is it good to have a brace or get a cosmetic surgery done?

Saturday, March 28th, 2009
Hi i have a large gap between my front two teeth its a natural gap i wanted know if a brace would help it to close or some sort of cosmetic surgery would be better for me i live in the staffordshire area and would like to know the costs of the treatments and if i could get help with the costs as i am on benefits. thankyou

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

What is the cost in US dollars of the cosmetic surgery procedure to even out my gum

Saturday, March 28th, 2009
I visited Dr. Janis Zarzeckis to see about a cosmetic surgery procedure and am interested in veneers as well. While getting a quote in the US, the dentist said I needed to even out the gum line to do the best job on veneers. He has a laser that is the most modern that limits bleeding and allows for rapid healing. Do you have that capability. Also what is the price in US dollars. You give the price in pounds and because of the exchange rate, it would not be cost effective for me to travel again to. Thank you so much for your information.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

Can the size of the front teeth be reduced?

Monday, March 23rd, 2009
Hi, i have a query which im a little conused about. Is there anything that can be done about the size of the front two teeth in the top set? Such as the length? Kind regards.

Dr Kailesh Solanki Kissdental – UK Practice of the Year 2007 157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN.2 New Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2QS. 13 Stanley Street, Manchester, M8 8SH. Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250 View My Profile Dr Solanki

my third tooth is twisted

Friday, December 12th, 2008
Hi I was hoping you could give me an idea of what the best way of sorting out my smile would be and maybe a rough idea of how much it would cost. When i was younger my third tooth i think its called the canine grew twisted and closer to the front than it should have because of this my second tooth never grew so now i have one tooth in the middle of where two teeth should be with gaps on both sides. i don’t mind if my rogue tooth needed to be removed for the best results. But i would like to be able to smile properly as quickly and cheaply as possible as it is really beginning to get me down. Thank you in advance for your help & advice I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

I have booked an appointment with a cosmetic dentist

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008
I have booked an appointment with a cosmetic dentist just to do some cosmetic bonding. On the website there is not much information about the dentist himself. Is there a way I can find out if this person is definitely qualified etc?

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan