Posts Tagged ‘bacteria’

Will the root canaled tooth be sensitive if it cracks Plz advice

Monday, October 12th, 2009
I had gum contouring done 3 weeks ago. On Friday (3 days ago), my dentist relined my temporary to add more acrylic along the gum margin where tooth was exposed. He tried to adjust the tooth (which had been root canaled) and the bur hit the tooth. After that, he applied bonding material to the tooth before replacing the temporary. Now the tooth is sensitive. He inserted the cord on gum when he relined the temporary. Could the sensitivity be from the gum tissue? If a tooth that had been root canaled crack, will it be sensitive? I am afraid to ask him but I hope it did not crack.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

Could you plz advice on an estimated timeline for treatment

Monday, October 12th, 2009
Dear Dr Glaister, I consulted your site in 2006 and was delighted with your speedy and informative response, therefore, now that I have saved enough money to pay for the dental work that I need, I hope you will be able to help me once again. I decided to send my qustions to yourself as i understand you have great experience with cosmetic surgery and feel my question slighlty steps over the line from required treatment to cosmic treatment. From the start I should say that during childhood and my early teenage years I neglected my teeth insofar as I didn’t brush them at all; I didn’t even go to the dentist until I was seventeen. Four years on from my first visit and I have finally found a dentist who actually seems like he wants to help rather than inform me that I should have looked after them when I was younger in a patronising yet cheerful tone as my previous dentist often did. I have been going there for around six months now and as such my check up is due. When I visit at the end of this month there are a few things I will be asking the dentist, but thought I would get your opinions first: One thing I noticed since I first started going to the dentist is that after I had received all the necessary treatment, a few weeks later I would need to go back to the dentist after experiencing tooth pain, only to find I need another filling, and also by the time my next check up was due, I needed a whole host of work. Even though I brush my teeth twice a day with Colgate total and use Cordosyl daily (as recommended by my dentist) my teeth still seem to be going from worse to worse every few months, or in some cases weeks, and have been for the last few years. To the stage where I am sure the next time I go I will be told I have gum disease as lately my breath has an unpleasant odour and one of my teeth has started to hurt; a pain that I can only describe as being inside the tooth, yet not part of the tooth but rather up inside the gum. This is the main factor that I am holding back from spending my life savings on private treatment, i.e. crowns/bridges. Insofar as I do not want to spend every penny I have if the teeth the crowns are fixed to will still be rotting away underneath and thus the crowns fall out and I have wasted my money and am left with small stumps for teeth and no money to fix the situation. So could you please advise me as to whether it is possible for the teeth to still rot away underneath the crowns? Or if, once treated the gum disease is likely to cause problems for the crowns/bridges? I understand that you obviously cannot comment on me specifically, and even if you could, would need to examine my mouth before answering, but I am asking, based on the information provided, i.e. teeth keep decaying and worsening even with proper care and attention, is it possible and if it is how likely, that the teeth and will rot away underneath and cause the crown to fall out. Could you also please advise; on an estimated timeline from the start to the finish of treatment, detailing what procedures are involved. I am looking to have sixteen teeth fixed and would greatly appreciate your advise, because as you can imagine with my current smile of autumnal colours I have no confidence and do not even want to go to job interviews or out with friends as my teeth become the focal point for everyone, and there is only so much abuse and embarrassment you can take. Even going to the dentist themselves has become a struggle as I feel as though everyone must be talking about me, as I am told I have the worst teeth he has seen in someone my age. Plus it has now become a practical decision, in that even eating is now becoming more of a challenge as hot and cold foods and drinks seem to aggravate different teeth on different days as and when they desire. If you think having crowns would be a bad idea as it is the likelihood that the teeth will indeed continue to decay underneath, is their anything you could advise as an alternative as I don’t really know what to do. I have a budget of £8000 and obviously cannot afford to have implants. Also, it is the upper and lower front four teeth on the left and the right that I want the work to be carried out on. Thank you for your help, I hope to hear from you soon.

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

I hv gum disease and gappy teeth due to bulimia Plz advice

Monday, October 12th, 2009
Hi, i suffered with bulimia for 5 years and have not made myself sick for almost 4 years now, as a result i have now got gum diesese and have gaps inbetween my teeth, i also have clear patches on my 2 front top teeth and have a large white patch which my parents were told was because i had too much calcium as a child, im 28 and am now very insecure about my teeth and would like to know whats the best option for me?

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

What could be done to cure heavy Plague and Gum disease?

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Dr Justin Glaister Umbrella 11 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Web: Tel: 020 7612 9810 View My Profile Dr Glaister

My front teeth are crumbling due to usage of steroids what can i do?

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
2front teeth slowly crumbling due to long term use of steroids&sweet tooth!15yrs since laast saw frightened&money shortage,have to only eat soft food now

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

My tooth implant has a bone infection what treatment can i get?

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
I have a loose implant which on X ray today shows I have a bone infection, is there anyway this can be treated other than removing the implant. Would it really need to be removed for 3 months, mortified

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

I have bad rotten teeth what treatment do u suggest me?

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009
Hi, I’m 28 years old and i have always had bad teeth and oral hygiene in general. The last time i visited a dentist was around 14 years ago. The teeth that didn’t have to be extracted had fillings so my mouth was already in quite a mess. Now it has got to the stage where at least 50% of my teeth have completly rotted away right down to the gum line and below. All i see now when i open my mouth is big black holes in my gums. The remaining teeth, mostly being the front visable ones have very bad cavities and are discusting to look at. Having done research online i am absolutly petrified of related health issues caused by bad oral hygeine. I’m so depressed right now i just dont know what to do, I have no friends, people think i am ignorent because i never smile and dont like to look at people when they speak to me incase they look at my teeth. I am jobless at the moment, i wanna go back to work but too worried about what the interviewer will think when he see’s my teeth. I really want friends and to socialise but im just so embarassed to go anywhere or speak to anyone. I currently recieve social security benefits so spending thousands of pounds to fix my teeth is not an option for me. I just don’t know what to do or where to turn, i just want to be able to smile and laugh without looking at the floor or putting my hand over my mouth. I have a partner of 8 years who keeps telling me to sort it but she just dosn’t understand why i carn’t face going to see a dentist. I carn’t even smile in front of my 3 children because im so scared of them seeing my bad teeth and asking questions about them, even my own kids think im ignorent and misrable. I’m quite sure i’m way past the help of a regular dentist because i don’t believe any of my teeth can be saved and its actually my gums that look pretty messed up now. Please help me turn my life around and smile again. Your help and advice is very much appreciated.

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

I have broken and decayed teeth but i fear dentists plz advice?

Monday, September 14th, 2009
I am 47 years old and have not been to a dentist for 27 years after a quite terryfying experience. I have lost alot of teeth and apart from a few at the front bottom and top the others remaining are broken or decaying. I am scared stiff of the dentist and get panicky just thinking about it. Could you give me some idea of how I will accepted if I go. I do not want to be lectured as i am well aware of my situation. What I need is a sympathic and calming approach but I am really scred this may not be the case.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

I have glue left on my teeth after brace removal what can be done?

Monday, September 14th, 2009
Hello Dr Moore I have what seems to be glue left on my two centre top teeth from when my braces were removed when I was 17 (8 years ago). I presumed this would wear away with time but this has not been the case and now the surface of the teeth is very uneven. Not only this, but the bottoms of only these two teeth seem to be wearing away and are now almost transparent! I am very worried and these teeth are also extremely sensitive. Please could you tell me my options and is there anything to be done on the NHS, particularly as this seems to have been caused by my previous dentist?

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore

i had root canal work on my tooth but the pain persists plz advice?

Friday, September 11th, 2009
Dear Dr Moore 6 months ago I had root canal work on my tooth, having been told that there was some decay and I would lose the tooth if I did not have it. It was a terrible ordeal for me as I am a very nervous patient anyway and the dentist clamped my face to my jaw with a metal clamp which I found unacceptable and was unable to tolerate. It took 3 hours and cost over £600. A few days ago I started to have an unremitting pain in my mouth, gums and cheek which seem to be encompassing the area where I had the root canal work. I fear from all the information I have been able to glean that I have an abscess and may have to lose the tooth. I have been to see my GP who doesn’t know what is causing the pain but has given me antibiotics and told me to see my dentist for ex-rays. I have an appointment on Tuesday but don’t see any point in having the ex-rays until the antibiotics have cleared up the infection. I will not go back to the dentist who did the root canal treatment (a specialist in root canal work and not my usual dentist) as I am absolutely terrified of him. The way he pulled and clamped my face showed complete inconsideration for a woman’s feelings and when I finally emerged from the dentist after 3 hours I was inconsolable from the ordeal that I had tolerated. If I do lose my tooth I will definitely want to have an implant. I am now on my 3rd day of taking antibiotics and as of yet the pain I am suffering is just as bad as on day one so I am not sure if they are working or not. Please would you kindly advise me of my options regarding treatment and what you see as the likely outcome. Kind regards,

Dr Andrew Moore Advance Dental Clinic 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG Web: Tel: 08443 87 87 88 View My Profile Dr Moore