Volunteers host free dental event in Michigan

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A team of volunteers will host a free three hour event to raise awareness of oral health in Michigan.

Dental professionals from the Muskegon District Dental Society will be joined by students from Ferris State University and Grand Rapids Community College to host a fair to improve access to oral healthcare in Muskegon. During the three hour event professionals will provide free screening and fluoride treatments for children and volunteers will also talk to parents and carers about oral hygiene and the importance of looking after their children’s teeth and gums.

The educational sessions will be informal and interactive and parents will be encouraged to ask questions or discuss any concerns with volunteers; it is hoped that the sessions will help to inform parents about the importance of good oral hygiene and healthy eating and subsequently encourage them to look after their children’s teeth.

Tooth decay is one of the most common childhood illnesses, yet it can be prevented easily; a good daily oral hygiene routine, coupled with healthy eating, can help to reduce the risks of a child developing tooth decay significantly. Dentists are seeing children as young as two years old with severe decay and this is largely due to a poor diet and a lack of oral hygiene; children are surrounded by sugary treats and fizzy drinks and this is having a damaging effect on their teeth.

The event is open to all.

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