Chorley Dentist to Retire After 35 Years

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A Chorley dentist is preparing to down his drill after 35 years of working in the town. Andrew Brierley, from Southport Road Dental, will retire on the 30th October.

After graduating from Sheffield University, Andrew started work in Rossendale and moved to Chorley shortly after. He has spent most of his 35-year career in the town and is a popular and well-respected member of the community.

Andrew has been at Southport Road Dental for many years and has patients that have been with him from day one. He often treats several members of the same family and jokes that people he has only known for 20 years are like newcomers.

Andrew, 59, lives with his wife Stella in Bolton and he is planning to spend more time with his family during his retirement. They have two children and three grandchildren. Andrew is also looking forward to devoting more time to his passion for cars and he also plans to do some travelling.

Mr Brierley will be handing over the reigns to Rashmi Hickey, who is the current owner’s wife. Andrew said that he has no qualms in trusting his patients to Rashmi, who is a very knowledgeable and caring dentist.

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