Posts Tagged ‘study’

DNA Tests help Fight Gum Disease

DNA Tests help Fight Gum Disease

Gum disease is a very damaging disease that is a lot more common than many of us think, affecting around 19 out of 20 of us at some point in our lives. The simplest way to prevent gum disease is of course, by keeping a healthy mouth and regularly cleaning and brushing your teeth, tongue […]

Drinking green tea can improve oral health

Drinking green tea can improve oral health

Drinking green tea on a regular basis can help to improve oral health, according to a study conducted by a team of Japanese researchers. The study involved 940 men; each participant was tested for symptoms of periodontal disease, including bleeding from the gums, the formation of pockets in the gum line and the loss of […]

Acupuncture can help anxious dental patients

Acupuncture can help anxious dental patients

Acupuncture has been found to significantly reduce dental anxiety, according to a recent study. The study involved twenty patients, all of whom had severe dental anxiety and had avoided going to the dentist for a period of several years; the group was made up of sixteen women and four men. The research was carried out […]