Survey Shows That Snoring Fuels Arguments Between Partners

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A survey has shown that snoring fuels arguments between sleeping partners; the poll revealed that four out of ten snorers argues or tussles with their partner during the night.

The survey revealed that sleeping partners are likely to move apart, grapple over sleeping positions and move their partner as a result of snoring and 28 per cent of people sleep in a different room to try and get some sleep and peace away from their snoring partner.

The survey was conducted by researchers at Nytol as part of National Stop Snoring Week and involved 1,134 snorers and their partners. 27 per of people were left feeling grumpy and irritable, 21 per cent felt tired during the day and 16 per cent of participants felt that they were less productive as a result of snoring.

Snoring occurs as a result of vibration when air passes over the soft palate; risk factors include being obese or overweight, having a cold and sleeping on your back.

Dr Chris Idzikowski, from the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said that snoring can have a significant impact on the quality of sleep, which may eventually impact on general health, as well as relationships and performance and productivity at work.

Snoring treatments include lifestyle changes, anti-snoring devices and surgery. Advice about snoring is available from GPs and dentists.

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April 25th, 2013 at 08:47 PM
Andrey Korobitsin Says :

That’s true. Snoring almost destroyed my marriage. The only thing helped was combination of tongue holding mouthpiece and nasal dilator.