Salford Dentist Issues Warning Over Dried Fruit

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A dentist from Salford has warned parents about giving their children dried fruit as a snack. Dried fruits, particularly raisins, are a popular choice for many parents who believe it to be a healthier option than sweets, biscuits and crisps.

According to dentist Saara Sabir, who is also a mother, dried fruit is actually potentially very harmful for the teeth as it contains a lot of sugar and tends to be very sticky. Even a small bag of raisins can contain up to 8 teaspoons of sugar, the same quantity as a can of fizzy drink. The latest NHS guidelines state that children under the age of 6 years old should consume no more than the equivalent of 5 sugar cubes a day.

Despite the high sugar content, Saara said that there are nutritional benefits to be enjoyed and raisins are much less harmful when given as part of a meal. Snacking is a major cause of tooth decay, as the teeth come under acid attack when you eat and it takes time for them to recover. Grazing, especially on sugary and acidic foods, prevents the teeth from being able to recover and means that the enamel is always under threat.

Another healthy product that carries potential dangers for the teeth is fruit juice. Many parents buy juice as a healthy alternative to fizzy drinks, but actually, sometimes the sugar content can be very similar and juices are also very acidic. Saara recommends 1 glass of diluted fruit juice per day, given with a meal.

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